FM Instruments offers range of Precession RTDs for industrial processes temperature measurement..
These Temperature gauges are used in corrosive medium, chemical environments for higher..
These Temperature gauges are used in corrosive medium, chemical environments for higher..
These Temperature gauges are used in Engineering Plant, Machinery Plant & Apparatus, Piping…
These gauges are used where fluid medium does not Clog connection port or corrode copper alloy..
These gauges are used in Laboratories and Industries by Inspecting authorities..
These pressure gauges are designed for outdoor field applications, which is used for fertilizers..
These pressure gauges are designed for outdoor field applications, which is used for fertilizers..
These gauges are used where fluid medium does not clog connection port or corrode copper alloy for..
Contact Gauges are ideal in the applications which demands measurement and control of pressure..
These Temperature gauges are used in Engineering Plant, Machinery Plant & Apparatus, Piping..
These gauges are suitable for all gaseous and liquid media. With optional flange connection also..
Diaphragm sealed gauges are traditionally used when a standard measuring instrument should not..
These gauges are suitable for dry and gaseous media. Capsule gauges are widely used for..
For gases and Liquid media, filter control system and differential flow measurement..
This industrial grade vacuum gauge has heavy-duty sensing elements and a stainless steel case for…
These gauges are used where pressure gauges are subjected to severe conditions where pulsation…
Pressure gauges are subjected to severe conditions where pulsation or vibration exists.
It is an instrument used to measure flow rate of Liquids and Gases
It is an instrument used to measure flow rate of Liquids and Gases
It is an instrument used to measure flow rate of Liquids and Gases
It is an instrument used to measure flow rate of Liquids and Gases
It is an instrument used to measure flow rate of Liquids and Gases